Advice and services to ensure insurance claims are accurately resolved

Our forensic team has substantial experience in working on matters arising from insurance policies, such as stock losses, delayed start-up and business interruption claims.

We have the specialist understanding of issues specific to business interruption and contingent business interruption insurance claims that is necessary to correctly quantify losses, such as:

  • Underinsurance
  • Deductibles
  • The treatment of depreciation
  • Impact of loss of attraction
  • Betterment
  • Aggregation of losses

We have the experience to act as expert witnesses if claims enter the litigation arena.  This can occur if settlement can not be agreed, or if a claim is now being subrogated and insurers seek recoveries from tortfeasors (and possibly policyholders’ uninsured losses).

We are conscious that subrogated loss of profit claims require separate considerations to the original business interruption policy coverage. Unlike many Forensic Accounting insurance specialists, we are not so reliant on work from insurance companies that we consider ourselves commercially conflicted from acting for Insureds.