Our team of Fraud & Financial Crime specialists investigate cases of corporate and financial fraud throughout the UK and internationally. We act for individuals, business and organisations who are victims of fraud, as well as for people who are suspected of corporate or financial fraud.
Our focus is on prevention and investigation. We do this by advising clients on how to detect as well as avoid fraud using the latest technology and business practices. We also investigate suspected fraud to uncover the true extent of fraudulent activity, collect and analyse data in order to provide irrefutable evidence as well as assist in prosecution in the most serious cases.
Combating fraud is a major challenge facing many organisations, not only in terms of implementing affordable and scalable fraud intelligence solutions, but also in keeping pace with the increasingly sophisticated methods deployed by fraudsters. One missing link in fraud detection historically has been the inability to predict the future behaviour of fraudsters. Our Fraud & Financial Crime specialists gather intelligence by analysing solved fraud cases. This helps us to model behaviour as well as identify patterns that help to build a bigger picture and utimately feed into preventative strategies.
Publicly available information proves a useful background activity to profiling fraud risks. However, the best strategy is to identify specific threats from individuals which can be achieved by obtaining undocumented intelligence about their activities. This information is gathered lawfully and used to find out about organisations of interest together with their key personalities, infrastructure, intentions, plans as well as capabilities.
Investigations focus on documented evidence and data, which is typically available in huge volumes and relates to all forms of electronically stored information. We work closely with other teams internally, who use specialist tools that help us reduce the amount of data. This not only saves time, but it allows our highly-skilled team to focus on identifying the most relevant elements to the matter under investigation. Once we have assessed and analysed the intelligence, we ensure that it is converted into actionable evidence.
If matters progress to court proceedings (whether civil or criminal), our team of fraud and financial crime specialists are highly experienced in acting as expert witnesses in fraud matters having given evidence under cross-examination on numerous occasions in some of the highest profile matters to come before the UK courts, including confiscation orders.
Uppermost in our minds, regardless of the specific engagement, is to provide the appropriate support to our clients. We understand that being involved in a suspected fraud or financial crime can be very stressful. It may cause significant financial and reputational loss for an individual or their business. We therefore understand the need to act quickly to recover lost assets or mitigate commercial loss or reputational damage. Whatever the incident, you can trust that your case will be handled by a team of experts who will support you throughout.