Where others may have been unsuccessful in recovering debt, our debt collection specialists are able to work with you as a creditor to proactively try to collect any monies owed.
Our team, using its extensive knowledge as well as its wealth of experience, works with a large number of successful companies to manage large live and insolvent client portfolios. We undertake debt management, drive debt collections and instigate legal action on behalf of clients. With a track record of recovering unpaid debts, often where others have been unsuccessful, our debt collection specialists are able to provide you with the confidence you need to put your issues in our hands and focus on running your business as usual.
Company data collection and analysis is key to the service we provide to clients and can be tailored to each individual's requirements. The reports we provide our clients with allows for the: tracking of customer credit scores; assessment of credit worthiness; and flagging of customers at risk of insolvency.
Identifying customers that may be facing financial difficulty not only alerts our client’s management team to potential risk, but it also enables us, working in partnership with our clients, to put in place a programme of activity to assist with collection. Remedial action may include rescheduling sums due, appointing Quantuma to act as the recovery agent with a view to collecting sums due and engaging in the process of pre-legal action to recover sums due.