Important Notice

Westway Holdings Limited (In Administration) - notice 11.09.2020

It has been brought to our attention that investors are being sent a letter and statement of account with the Quantuma logo and registered office on it which advises that their investment is due to be repaid in full by a certain date, but in order to receive the repayment they must make payment of a “refundable Payment Gateway Fee” into an account with the name “Akram Coding Ltd”.

The letter appears to be signed off by a Mark Storey whom is not an employee of this firm.

Please be advised that this is not a letter that has been sent from Quantuma or the Joint Administrators and it has been reported to both the police and Action Fraud.

Please do not transfer any money to any third party whom suggest they are able to repay your investment. 

Westway Holdings Limited (In Administration) - notice 01.07.2020

To address concerns that have been raised regarding correspondence received from various unknown third parties:

As you may be aware, Michael Sanders and Georgina Eason of MacIntyre Hudson LLP were appointed as Joint Administrators of the Company by the director of the Company on 15 May 2020. Subsequently, Simon Bonney of Quantuma LLP was appointed as an additional Joint Administrator of the Company by an order of the High Court on 22 May 2020.

All assets of the Company and all matters relating to distributions will be completed and carried out by the Joint Administrators only. 

No third parties have been instructed to date to assist the Joint Administrators in distributing payments.

The Joint Administrators have warned creditors and investors on a number of occasions that individuals purporting to represent various companies have been contacting former investors seeking money for early redemption of funds owed under the bond agreements. This is continuing, and all unexpected calls should be treated with extreme caution.

If you believe that a fraud is being attempted, please report this to Action Fraud at or by telephone on 0300 123 2040.