Following months of extensive negotiations, the Office Holders of the main insolvency procedures of the La Perla Group reached an agreement regarding the sale procedure to follow for realising the assets of the Group.
How the process will be run?
A formal advertisement of the joint process has been made on the Financial Times, Il Sole 24 Ore and Corriere della Sera, and interested parties can submit non binding expressions of interest in writing to the Office Holders as follows:
- Parties that have a certified email address can submit their expression of interest to the following certified email addresses:;; with copy to the email
- Parties that do not have a certified email address can submit their expression of interest by recorded post or courier to the Extraordinary Administrators of La Perla Manufacturing S.r.l. in Extraordinary Administration, avv.ti Francesca Pace, Francesco Paolo Bello e Gianluca Giorgi, in Bologna (BO), via Enrico Mattei, 10 (Italy). The envelope must clearly state from the outside: “CONFIDENTIAL - Expression of interest in the purchase of La Perla Group's business.” Copy of the expression of interest and of the receipt of the recorded post must be sent in advance to the email addresses: and
The process is a joint sale process and additional information, and the indication of assets that are included in the sale process, can be found in the Abstract of Call for Expressions of Interest which is accessible here. The Office Holders advise all parties that the full text of the Call for Expressions of Interest is published on the following website: The full text contains the information regarding the steps parties need to take to participate to the process, along with the content of the expression of interest and the documents to be provided to the Office Holders.
Parties will be screened for AML purposes and the Office Holders will not engage with agents/intermediaries/fiduciary companies whose shareholding cannot be identified/etc.
The language applicable to the sale process is Italian, therefore the Italian version of all documents made available by the Office Holders is the one legally binding. Parties are invited to get Italian legal advisors.
Failure to comply with the process will result in the exclusion from the sale process.
When do I need to send my expression of interest by?
Interested parties can submit their non-binding expression of interest by 3pm CET on Monday, 10th February.
What will happen next?
Once the period for submitting Expressions of Interest expires, the Office Holders will analyse the non-binding expressions of interest received and will select the parties admitted to the subsequent stages.
Those parties will be invited to enter the Data Room to undertake their due diligence, prior to submitting binding offers. All stages are detailed in the Regulation for the Sale Process, which will be sent by the Extraordinary Commissioners to the admitted parties. The Extraordinary Commissioners will provide parties with any additional information.
Failure to comply with the process and its Regulation will result in the exclusion from the sale process.