Expanding overseas – the tax opportunities and traps: Online CPD course delivered by Tolley

Expanding overseas – the tax opportunities and traps: Online CPD course delivered by Tolley

21 June 2024 09:00
On-demand webinar
On-demand webinar
In our fifth accredited CPD course of 2024, delivered in conjunction with leading training provider Tolley, we looked at the tax opportunities and traps of expanding overseas.

Modern technology and communications have made expanding outside the UK more feasible for small and medium-sized companies. There are, however, a number of tax aspects that need to be considered.

This three-hour session focused on:

•    Creating a permanent establishment – the rules and the consequences
•    Sending personnel overseas – tax, social security and controlling staff costs
•    Intercompany pricing – avoiding transfer pricing challenges
•    Registrations in other countries – VAT and other taxes
•    Double Tax Treaties – how to use them
•    Dealing with international tax challenges posed by tax authorities
•    Known unknowns – what you need to know about counter parties overseas, even when only acting for the UK entity.

This webinar is suitable for professional advisers with clients looking to grow their operations outside the UK.

On-demand webinar

Our trainer

Jeremy Mindell

Jeremy Mindell

Jeremy has been lecturing in taxation for over 20 years. An accomplished and entertaining speaker, Jeremy is in high demand when it comes to speaking at conferences, particularly those relating to tax, pensions, share schemes and remuneration. 

Drawing on his years of public speaking, Jeremy believes that key to his success in lecturing is to engage the audience and ensure that they participate in his sessions. This enables him to impart valuable technical knowledge in an interesting and fun way. 

Jeremy is also one of the few individuals in the country who is a qualified Chartered Tax Advisor and also holds a certificate from the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development.